Sunday, February 28, 2010

If I could be any character in this book I would be.....

Sadeem Reminds me of myself because......

As I furiously read Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea, I grew in love with Sadeem. For some reason I have always been enthralled with Islamic culture (I'm Jewish too). I find their men very attractive, their women beautiful, and their customs intriguing.

In this book, Rajaa Alsanea divulges the lives and loves of her four close friends, though she changes their names and some details, this is insight into the world of Saudi Women who are otherwise shadowed by their men. The novel consists of Sadeem, Michelle, Gamrah and Lamee, also their love and family lives.

For some odd reason I am very taken with Sadeem; she is so open, even after being wounded by her first love Waleed. She knows what she likes, she has her mind made up, and she goes after it. The way she speaks, so sure of herself, yet so cautious, it reminds me of myself. She is so confident in the way she moves, in a way that men find extremely attractive. She is talented in so many reasons, and she is a shrink to her friends, she is not judgemental in anyway. She loves and loves until she gets hurt, and in many ways that is how I believe I am. She knows what to say and when to say, knowing sure that it will make a point. I relate to Sadeem so much, sometimes when I read the novel, I think I am reading about myself.

1 comment:

  1. This does sound like a good book. I think Sadeem sounds way cool.
